Senin, 31 Desember 2012

So long 2012, Hello 2013

hello my blog! so long i've never posted any new post here.

Do you have any plans for new year's eve?
for me, no. just stay at home. while many people out there may spend their own times to hang out with their friends or boyfriend/girlfriend.

In Indonesia, i live in Banjarmasin, South Borneo. And every new year's eve here, there are so many people out there decide to spend their time to hang out, or gather with their friends and after that enjoy the fireworks  that coloring the night sky. that's fun, i think. but i don't like the crowded and absolutely the traffic jam that must be appeared every any great celebrations as new year's eve or a night before idul Fitri (Eid-Al Fitr), cause the government make such a parade to celebrate those special events. i think it's all the same for another areas in Indonesia.

So how about your country, guys? comment please, and tell me how's it. :)
so long, 2012. and hello, 2013 :)

Selasa, 06 November 2012


as i promised on my last entry that i'll tell you how to say those numbers in bahasa  Indonesia. now let's start this.

FROM 1 TO 10
1= one = satu
2= two = dua
3= three = tiga
4= four = empat
5= five = lima
6= six = enam
7= seven = tujuh
8= eight = delapan
9= nine = sembilan
10= ten = sepuluh

so is it difficult? no of course :)
just keep learning bahasa Indonesia :)

Jumat, 28 September 2012


Hallo! Welcome to my blog!
i'm so confuse about what should i post here! hahaha LOL.
well, then i think i'm gonna tell you about my country.
especially the language.BAHASA INDONESIA. (Indonesian Language).

I took this from


Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) is the official language of Indonesia. It is a standardized register of Malay, an Austronesian language which has been used as a lingua franca in the Indonesian archipelago for centuries.
Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world. Of its large population, the number of people who speak Indonesian fluently is fast approaching 100%, making Indonesian, and thus Malay, one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.[1]
Most Indonesians, aside from speaking the national language, are often fluent in another regional language (examples includeJavaneseSundanese and Madurese) which are commonly used at home and within the local community. Most formal education, as well as nearly all national media and other forms of communication, are conducted in Indonesian. In East Timor, which was an Indonesian province from 1975 to 1999, Indonesian is recognised by the constitution as one of the two working languages (the other being English), alongside the official languages of Tetum and Portuguese.
The Indonesian name for the language is Bahasa Indonesia (literally "the language of Indonesia"). This term is occasionally found in English. Indonesian is sometimes called "Bahasa" by English speakers, though this literally just means "language".

Speakers and geographic distribution

Map of where Indonesian is predominantly spoken. Dark blue: as a majority language. Light blue: as a minority language.
Indonesian has 22,800,000 first language speakers in Indonesia, with a total of 23,187,680 speakers worldwide, with most other speakers coming from the Netherlands, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and the United States. Around 140,000,000 speakers use it as a second language[2] alongside their local mother tongue. It is used extensively as a first language by Indonesians in urban areas, and as a second language by those residing in more rural parts of Indonesia.
The VOA and BBC use Indonesian as their standard for broadcasting in Malay.[3][4] Indonesian is 80% cognate with Malaysian.[2] In Australia, Indonesian is one of three Asian target languages, together with Japanese and Mandarin, taught in some of schools as part of the Languages Other Than English programme.[5]


Alright, that's a short introduction of Bahasa Indonesia, and let's focus on how to speak Indonesian language (bahasa Indonesia) <actually this is what i want to post here>.

Let's learn it from the basic.
I'll tell you  what is it in english for making you easier to understand what i post :).
I'll put those words in english on left, in bahasa Indonesia on the right side.
Let's start!


Halo!/Hi! - Hai !
How are you ? ------> Apa Kabar?
Nice to meet you! / Glad to meet you -----> Senang bertemu denganmu!
Good morning -----> Selamat pagi
Good afternoon -----> selamat siang
good evening -----> Selamat malam
good night -----> selamat malam (say this if we wanna go to bed)
Bye/see you -----> Sampai jumpa
see you tomorrow -----> sampai jumpa besok
see you again -----> sampai jumpa lagi

What is your name? -----> Siapa namamu?/Siapa nama anda?
My name is ..... -----> Nama saya .... / namaku ..................
i am 17 years old -----> umurku 17 tahun (I'll post what are numbers in bahasa indonesia)
I live on ..... -----> Aku tinggal di ....
I was born on ........-----> Aku lahir pada tanggal........
I was born in ....... -----> Aku lahir di ...........
My hobbies are ......... -----> hobiku adalah......... (plural)

OKay i think it's enough for this part, we'll meet again later! sampai jumpa :)

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Moymoy Palaboy, a funny awesome lip sync duo

Hi my beloved blog!
i wanna post a new entry, it ain't about quotes, neither is my life & love story.
today i wanna post a profile about someone, one of  funny lip sync-ers in youtube!
here it is!
it's about Moymoy Palaboy.
maybe there are some of you who don't know who they are. well, i'd like to give you a short introduction about them. or you may google it, and watch their funny videos in youtube :)
this is a short introduction which included a biography and their career which i got n copy from

Moymoy Palaboy.

Moymoy Palaboy is a Filipino comic and singing duo known for their uploaded lip sync videos in YouTube. The duo consists of the Obeso brothers, James Ronald (a.k.a. Moymoy, born on July 17, 1983, in Pasay City) and Rodfil (a.k.a. Roadfill, born on August 28, 1985, in Pasay City). They are now GMA Network contract artists.


Before James and Rodfil's career started, their mother, Nenita Obeso was stricken with breast cancer. When she died in 2006, their aunt, Benny Obeso (fondly called Mama Auntieby her nephews) took them in.
The brothers went to the same public elementary and high schools in Pasay City. For their college education, they both attended the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. James majored in Broadcasting, but dropped out of college to find a job and help his mother. His brother Rodfil finished a Business Management course and used to work as an in-house sales representative at the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT). Rodfil loves to sing at videoke bars, play computer games and electronic gadgets.
James Ronald auditioned for Star In A Million but he failed to qualify. He used to perform in a band named Pasionista, until he decided to leave the band to join a television show with his younger brother.


The brothers started to upload their lip sync videos via YouTube in 2007. In 2008, their videos and their YouTube profile garnered over 5 million hits and they have more than 130,000 subscribers from all over the world. Most MexicansAmericans and Filipinos gave positive remarks for the duo's uploaded videos.[2][3] Most of their videos were shot at home, as seen in the background, where their aunt Mama Auntie also appears. They use their laptop and cellphone cameras to shoot the videos. Aside from their aunt, other guests who appeared in their videos include their friends and Philippine TV celebrities. Among their most popular YouTube videos are Everybody (Backstreet's Back) (by Backstreet Boys),Wanna Be (by Spice Girls) and MariMar (by Thalía).
The duo made their first TV appearance in GMA Network's Bubble Gang on June 27, 2008; they are now regulars in that show. Aside from Bubble Gang, they have been seen inMTV Campus Crashers.[4] In their TV interviews, their real voices were masked using high-pitched tones or other voices through the microphone so that their real voices would remain a mystery.
Due to their popularity, they are now contract artists in GMA Artist Center and recently appearing as regulars in SOP Rules.[5][6] The duo became recording artists and they have their first song, Kapit (Dayo soundtrack), in which they used their real singing voices.[7][8] In March 2009, they released their own debut album entitled Uploaded under Sony BMG and their first single is Lumayo Ka Man sa Laklak, a parody where the lyrics of The Teeth's song "Laklak" is sung to the tune of Rodel Naval's classic song "Lumayo Ka Man Sa Akin".[9]
The duo have revealed their real voices for the first time in a March 20, 2009, episode of Bubble Gang in which they watched the IyoTube segment featuring the impersonators called "Mokmok Palabok". This marked the first acting stint of the duo on television. Also the duo is now working with their real-life friend Aljur Abrenica and his partner Kris Bernal in the latest soap All My Life, which is their first primetime show on television.
On March 26, 2009, YouTube account moymoypalaboy, the duo's YouTube account that started their popularity was suspended. YouTube claimed it was due to copyright infringement. Although the duo's lipsync videos of themselves were original, the songs used weren't theirs.[10] A new Youtube account was created that same day calledmoymoypalaboyteam. The original "moymoypalaboy" YouTube account was eventually reactivated on April 8, 2009.
In September 2010, the brothers were featured in an ad for Coca Cola called 'Coca Cola Brrrr'.

this is their officially website :

here are some of their videos in youtube :
this video below is when they lip sync-ed "Girlfriend" from Avril Lavigne. 

this video is when they lip sync-ed smooth criminal by Michael Jackson

and this video is my favorite! it's when they lip sync-ed OST. Marimar, a telenovela which starred by Thalia.

well. i think u should watch their other video. C ya on my next entry (^_^)w!

Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

when will you keep your promise?

So, Here i am..
come back for blogging, posting new entry, about me of course. it's about my love story (again).
so now let me start this.
the fact that i love someone's boyfriend kinda makes me think that i'm the most pathetic person in this world. yeah you may think that i'm exaggerating but i guess there are so many people out there feel the same feeling i feel, loving someone else's boyfriend. 
okay, please let me tell ya about him.
he's one of my friend. a handsome,talented,cute,smart,kind-hearted,funny,friendly guy.
he's also  younger than me. but i think age is just a number. however, love isn't a thing that measure everything relates to it. people say love is blind. maybe that's why i don't care with all those differences between us, the age, race, skin color, language, culture, etc.
no matter how much i love him, unfortunately he's already belong to someone else. 
and now he's already gone, somewhere far away.

Honestly, i extremely miss him!

the last time i saw his face is on June 24, 2011.
The last time we made a video call is on January 30, 2012.
the last time i chatted with him is on April 17, 2012.

In our last chat, he said we shall make a video call again.
and he said, "Let's skype next week."
and i said," You won't busy next week?"
he said,"I'll tell you later,"

so it's already a month passed after that time.
then he has never called me or contact me anymore.
does he know that i wait for his call everyday?
does he know that i can't wait to hear his voice and look at his face?
does he know that i miss him so badly?
now i have a question for him, "when will you keep your promise to me?"

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

i'm broken heart

hallo! so long time i don't post anything here, my beloved blog!
okay today i just wanna share a quote that i've made for a condition that happens to me. a condition that hurt me a lot, yep, that's broken heart condition. well, this is my quote :

"I love someone's boyfriend. How pathetic i'm! But he's more pathetic, for willing to be a second boyfriend of her."

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

selamat jalan kawan..

hari ini jam 3.30 WITA gue dapat kabar kalau temen gue SMP-SMA meninggal.. Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji'un.. dia orang nya baik loh..
emang Tuhan senang sama orang yang baik,, makanya dia cepet diambil :(

gue seriously berduka,...
gak nyangka dia pergi secepat ini..
gue cuma bisa berdoa semoga amal dan ibadahnya diterima disisi-Nya dan bagi yang ditinggalkan diberi ketabahan...

mohon doanya bagi almarhumah... 

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012


hello :) i'm back to blogging again.
but i think the first thing i should say is : " H. A. P. P. Y  N. E. W Y. E. A. R " !

Welcome 2012, n goodbye 2011.
2011 is a good year for me, n i wish 2012 will be a better year for us :)