Jumat, 11 November 2011

11 - 11- 11

Hell - oooooooooooooooooooooooo my beloved blog! <3
how's life?
sorry for not post anything these days have been lately.
i was so crazy with all those campus stuffs, tasks, mid tests and so on.

and today i'm back. well, today is 11-11-11 , that's really a unique date.
the date like that happens only about every 823 years.
that's so amazing!
well, today is also my ex's birthday. i've already said happy birthday to him through twitter and facebook.
honestly i still get butterflies when i see him,
but unfortunately we're in different college and the distant from my home to his are 2 km.

then i'm so happy when he replies my tweet which i sent to him for saying happy birthday.
then he replied like this :
Makasih :d RT : happy birthday  @novaldjatie .. wish you all the best :)

okay, although he just say thanks to me and typed an emoticon like :d but it was a really great thing which happens today, cause our relation is getting worse since we were through .

okay i wish everything in my life is going well today.
i hope you  who visit my blog feel so ^_^.
goodbye! C ya! ^_^w

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